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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Arm yourself with self defense products as the ultimate trouble deterrent

Due to rising crime rates, there has been a rush to find self-defense weapons. Pepper spray and stunts guns are some of the oldest non lethal self defense products that have been used for years as the best medium of self defense. The defense spray is a natural repellent that can be used effectively to disable a person or an animal. The best thing about this substance is that it doesn't cause any serious harm to the person on which it is sprayed. There are so many pepper sprays available in the market that it may seem hard to make out which one’s are the most effective, But SABRE is the most reliable source to buy personal defense sprays, stun-guns, bear attack and dog attack deterrents that match your requirement. And they have all sorts of law-enforcement and correctional aerosol projectors as well.

SABRE provides the safest, most effective and highest quality defense sprays in the industry. As result of the independent testing, Security Equipment Corporation recently received an award from the Professional Gun retailers Association for being "Manufacturer of the Most Potent Defense Pepper Spray". The attached thermometer highlights the result of the independent testing which confirms that many defense sprays overstate their heat levels. SABRE is holds an ISO 9001:2000 Certification and claims a track record of 30 years for making grown men cry since1975. Apart from this SABRE products are used by the NYPD & thousands of police departments worldwide. If purchasing the best self defense spray, pepper spray, or bear spray product possible is your goal, then SABRE produce the most potent defense products and is one of only two defense spray manufacturers worldwide which is both an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and also a Health Canada Establishment. SABRE defense sprays, pepper spray, and bear spray were determined to be “The Most Potent Defense Sprays” by the P.G.R.A. FRONTIERSMAN Bear Spray and Bear Attack Deterrent contains the industry’s greatest range and the maximum strength spray allowed by both the EPA and Health Canada. SABRE Law Enforcement Aerosol Projectors were determined to be “The Best Tactical Spray” and are used by the following prestigious police agencies.

Visit us in-order to buy self-defense sprays and security equipments like Buy Pepper Spray and Pepper Spray. Me Frau Simo writes for SabreRed. Thank you!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

An inconspicuous can that ensures your safety for life

Walking down a lonely road in a dark alley, all you have in mind is a fear of being caught in an adverse situation which you may not be able to tackle without defense scared that someone may take advantage of the place and the situation. Wishing that you were more strong and equipped to fight away your fear you scathingly hurry out towards the busy road without losing out on a mere second, luckily you are back to the safe zone now but ask yourself a question- Are you actually safe anywhere at all? Is taking such a big risk at all worthy in any case?

Well it was for these reasons that developers invented a very useful non lethal weapon called the pepper spray. Pepper spray is a very simple self defense spray that provides inconspicuous security without any dangerous effects. Once put into action, it will irritate the eyes of the offender culminating into tears, which creates temporary irritation and distorted unclear vision. This spray has an active ingredient of oleoresin capsaicin which is derived from the fruit of the capsicum family and other famous peppers or chilies all over the world. This spray affects the eyes of the attacker causing a painful sensation to the eyes. Only a few of people are aware that pepper sprays can differ according to its "hotness" or "effectiveness".

These variations are to be noted because these decide the rate of your weapons strength so it is important to buy pepper spray only after making an assurance about the potency of the spray you choose. Women and the elderly often find that carrying spray allows them to feel secure knowing they could defend themselves even against a large male attacker. When faced with an unsafe situation, all the would-be victim has to do is to simply aim their spray canister at the assailant and spray. The spray is then released from a high pressure aerosol can. The high pressure aerosol can ensures that the spray is released in a steady and exactly aimed manner since any kind of fatuity can actually claim to be life threatening for the victim. The Pepper spray manufacturers have introduced many innovative designs for their canisters which include replica designs in the form of pepper spray rings, pens, and key chains. Making the spray so carrier friendly ensures your protection as it will be more convenient for you to carry it around absolutely any and everywhere along with yourself at all times - increasing the likelihood of you keeping more safe and armed to tackle trouble.

Visit us in-order to Buy Pepper Spray and security equipments like Stun Guns and Pepper Spray. Me Frau Simo writes for Sabre Red. Thanks

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pepper Sprays - Tackle any Situation that Crops in Your Way With the Most Effectual Self Defense Products

There are so many pepper sprays available in the market that it may seem hard to make out which one’s are the most effective, and the most reliable source to buy pepper sprays that match your requirement. There are a number of places where you can purchase pepper spray both online and offline. Whether you live in a rough locality or just want to be prepared for any situation that might come your way, these sprays are great to have on hand. Give yourself an extra layer of protection by taking the time to pick the best product for you.

Due to rising crime rates, there has been a rush to find self-defense weapons. Pepper spray is one of the oldest non lethal self defense products that have been used for years as the best medium of self defense. The idea of Spray as a weapon of self defense picked steam in the 1990s. It was endorsed by the security services according to whom this spray was a safe crowd deterrent. This endorsement by this department encouraged the police to try police pepper spray for dispersing mischief creating crowds.

For the police this spray is an effective, non lethal weapon with which they are able to control crowds, no matter how unruly they might be. Similarly, chili pepper spray is also used as animal repellants.
Bear pepper spray is proven highly effective for repelling bears. Pepper spray’s used on people is very different from a bear pepper spray. Only EPA approved bear sprays may be sold as deterrents against bears and should meet some specific minimum requirements that are fixed according to the wild life conservation department. It is environmentally safe and does not contain flammable or ozone depleting substances.
You need something you can depend on in the woods. Bear spray is an effective deterrent to attacking bears. Treat all bear encounters with extreme caution. Carry on your belt so you'll always be ready or set it out at the camp so everyone has easy access to it. It is a natural repellent that can be used effectively to disable a person or an animal. The best thing about this substance is that it doesn't cause any serious harm to the person on which it is sprayed.

Visit us in-order to buy self defense spray and security equipments like police pepper spray and bear spray. Me Frau Simo writes for SabreRed. Thanks

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Stay safe and protected: Stun guns

The increasing molestation and eve teasing incidents are fast forcing the woman walking back from their offices or any scheduled events to carry some or the other protective means so that they feel safe and confident. The dark alley or the empty roads and late metro can be seriously scary for them in these dangerous times where today a woman is not safe even at her own house and therefore these kind of men leave no stone unturned to harass them without any rhyme and reason. The police and other authorial services and agencies are also trying their best to keep the crime scene safe and clean so that there is less chance of any kind of mishap.

In the market there are various kinds of items and safety devices available which can be bought and used by the people who feel unsafe on the road and other empty spaces around them. These are specially prepared to safe guard the interest not only of the women but also old age people who too might feel unsafe on the road because of the fragile nature of their age and limbs. The old age does bring some limitations with it and may leave the individual a little weak and depended on the people around him. And therefore when people of old age are travelling alone is natural to feel unsafe because of their lack of strength and ability to fight back if needed.

One of the interesting items is stun Guns which are an amazing piece of technology to keep you safe. To describe the gun in simple words: it is actually a gun which gives out electric shocks if used by the owner against so stalker. Often in the dark alley or lanes you might feel that somebody is stalking you and therefore you start running. But then next time something like that happens you can feel safe if you are carrying this device which is sure to send the stalker into deep shock and all his life he would not attempt this practice again.

For more direct protection one can also use a Mace Pepper Spray which is the perfect solution for any self defense need and is legal in almost all 50 states! The spray is cheap and you can buy many different types according to the circumstances. Thus there are many different types of self defense products out there so it can be a little overwhelming when it comes to your own personal safety.

Visit us in-order to buy self-defense sprays and security equipments like mace and stun guns. Me Frau Simo writes for SabreRed. Thank you!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The new age weapon: Mace pepper Sprays

Mace Pepper SpraysThe growing terrorism and criminal activities today have forced the common man along with other government agencies to be prepared all the time and make sure that they have no loopholes which can be exploited by the evil elements in the society. This preparation involves the use of various extensive technological tools and even small items and amenities which the common man can use at his disposal. Ultimately the safety of any individual depends on his own awareness, agility and quickness of mind.

The markets today are flooded with the various items which are strong and capable enough to save an individual from any kind of malicious element and therefore it’s no more a police dependent nation where the citizens live their lives in constant fear of the obnoxious that might turn up at the corner of the street at anytime of the day.

Pepper SprayThe Mace Pepper Spray is one such amazing defense item which is handy enough to carry it all the time, anywhere you go and feel confident enough to face anybody. The sprays are formulated with the hottest and the strongest chilies in the world which can be really damaging for your enemy and avoid any occurrence of any fateful incident intending harm to you. It’s basically a chemical compound that irritates the eyes to cause tears, pain, and even temporary blindness which can be used in riot control, crowd control, and personal self-defense, including defense against dogs and bears or any other bad souls.

The Mace Spray is prepared from an ingredient called capsaicin which is derived from the fruit of plants in the Capsicum genus, including chilies which have a very strong effect on the victim. The inflammatory sensation causes instant action and breaks the concentration of your enemy who is trying to harm you.

Self Defense SprayWhether it’s a dark night and you have to walk by the alley alone or it’s a long ride back home past an empty road you don’t need to worry. And especially the girls, who might feel unsafe on the roads while coming back or going towards their destination, need not to worry because they can now feel safe and retain their confidence with a pepper spray in their hand bags. Different countries have different laws for using the self defense spray. Some of them do consider it legal while others consider it illegal and do not allow its active usage.

But at the end of the day a pepper spray is just a small defense or caution item that you may carry all the time and enjoy the bliss of your life without any negative thoughts whatsoever.
For more information about mace pepper spray and to purchase mace spray please visit


Want some tears in the eyes of your enemies try SABRE Pepper Spray

Mace Pepper SprayHave you ever been awaken by a startling sound during the middle of the night? How about the last time you walked across a dark parking lot or felt that eerie feeling while walking to your car in a parking garage? Remember the stranger following too closely behind you? What about the relief you felt after it was over? What if you had been attacked? Want to feel more secure and less vulnerable? You can become a victim or you can take control of the situation. If you answered yes to any of the above, then you need to take this program and learn survival skills which may save your life!

Now if you are looking for the perfect jolting
pepper spray which really imparts a life time experience to your enemies them make the best choice possible by laying your hands on Sabre pepper spray which is sure to fulfill its purpose. This is the hottest and most effective spray which will sure take your enemy by surprise and make him feel completely sorry even to think of this attempt.

Pepper Spray TrainingSABRE provides the safest, most effective and highest quality defense sprays in the industry. As result of the independent testing, Security Equipment Corporation recently received an award from the Professional Gun retailers Association for being "Manufacturer of the Most Potent Defense Pepper Spray". The attached thermometer highlights the result of the independent testing which confirms that many defense sprays overstate their heat levels. SABRE Red® ranges from 8% to 86% hotter than the competition.

SABRE's, Advanced 3-in-1 Formulation, contains Red Pepper, CS Military Tear Gas and an Ultraviolet Marking Dye to aid in suspect identification. SABRE, our most popular formulation, combines the inflammatory effects of Red Pepper with the severe facial irritation produced by CS Tear Gas to produce an effect which is superior to any single ingredient defense spray and thus creates a havoc situation.
Mace Spray
Now the question arises that why do we claim to be the best? SABRE defense sprays, pepper spray, and bear spray were determined to be “The Most Potent Defense Sprays” by the P.G.R.A. FRONTIERSMAN Bear Spray and Bear Attack Deterrent contains the industry’s greatest range and the maximum strength spray allowed by both the EPA and Health Canada. SABRE Law Enforcement Aerosol Projectors were determined to be “The Best Tactical Spray” and are used by many prestigious police agencies around the world for their rescue missions and have proved their proficiency ever since. For more information about mace pepper spray and to purchase mace spray please visit
