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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Want some tears in the eyes of your enemies try SABRE Pepper Spray

Mace Pepper SprayHave you ever been awaken by a startling sound during the middle of the night? How about the last time you walked across a dark parking lot or felt that eerie feeling while walking to your car in a parking garage? Remember the stranger following too closely behind you? What about the relief you felt after it was over? What if you had been attacked? Want to feel more secure and less vulnerable? You can become a victim or you can take control of the situation. If you answered yes to any of the above, then you need to take this program and learn survival skills which may save your life!

Now if you are looking for the perfect jolting
pepper spray which really imparts a life time experience to your enemies them make the best choice possible by laying your hands on Sabre pepper spray which is sure to fulfill its purpose. This is the hottest and most effective spray which will sure take your enemy by surprise and make him feel completely sorry even to think of this attempt.

Pepper Spray TrainingSABRE provides the safest, most effective and highest quality defense sprays in the industry. As result of the independent testing, Security Equipment Corporation recently received an award from the Professional Gun retailers Association for being "Manufacturer of the Most Potent Defense Pepper Spray". The attached thermometer highlights the result of the independent testing which confirms that many defense sprays overstate their heat levels. SABRE Red® ranges from 8% to 86% hotter than the competition.

SABRE's, Advanced 3-in-1 Formulation, contains Red Pepper, CS Military Tear Gas and an Ultraviolet Marking Dye to aid in suspect identification. SABRE, our most popular formulation, combines the inflammatory effects of Red Pepper with the severe facial irritation produced by CS Tear Gas to produce an effect which is superior to any single ingredient defense spray and thus creates a havoc situation.
Mace Spray
Now the question arises that why do we claim to be the best? SABRE defense sprays, pepper spray, and bear spray were determined to be “The Most Potent Defense Sprays” by the P.G.R.A. FRONTIERSMAN Bear Spray and Bear Attack Deterrent contains the industry’s greatest range and the maximum strength spray allowed by both the EPA and Health Canada. SABRE Law Enforcement Aerosol Projectors were determined to be “The Best Tactical Spray” and are used by many prestigious police agencies around the world for their rescue missions and have proved their proficiency ever since. For more information about mace pepper spray and to purchase mace spray please visit


1 comment:

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    Defense sprays products are supposed to be highly effectual materials in terms ensuring the safety of a woman in this era.
